90s Statement: 76 Members for Banks

22 May 2018

For years there has only been one member for Banks in this House. But now there are 76 of them! There they are, all over there: 76 members for banksbig banks!

These are the members who, today, are arguing that $17 billion worth of tax cuts should go to the disgraced and ashamed big banks instead of to schools, which have had $17 billion cut from their funds. There are 115temporary dismountable classrooms at public schools in my electorate. Schools are busting at the seams, but thecoalition seems to think that the money is better spent on bonuses for big banks than on the schools and onteachers for those schools.

It is no surprise that the shortest line in the building is the line of MPs who want to invite the aged-care minister into their electorate. While there are 105,000 people on an aged-care waiting list, this minister has given a measly3,500 thousand new places each year to try to deal with this. In four years time there will be over 110,000 peoplewaiting for aged care, and these guys have turned their backs on them. If they won't stand up for schoolkids andthey won't stand up for the elderly, who will they stand up for?